Needless to say, this episode contains one livid old lady NPC with a penchant for violence.
Listen here:
After deciding that the previous story hook wasn’t for them, the party decide to investigate the murder of the mayor in the town of Warding Light. Not because they actually care or anything. Help.
Alex as Dakota the (normally a Tiefling) Human Warlock
Kerry as Sanphire the Human Cleric
Chad as Charlamagne salazaar, the Changeling Sorcerer
Matt as Shambles the Dragonborn Sorcerer
Caitlin as the all powerful GM, praise be.
Social Medias:
Follow Matt: @TheMattAttackUK
Follow Alex: @SpiderBreadUk
Follow Kerry: @Shirobeans
Follow Caitlin: @CaitlinRC
Follow Chad: @Chads_Mind
Follow the show: @DungeonJunkiez
Follow Matt and Alex’s show: @GameJunkiezPod
Follow My Content: @OurMindGames
Follow Chad’s show: @Viewfromtoprope
Follow the network: @VisGlobalMedia
Music Credits:
Checkpoint by Hayden Folker | @hayden-folker Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #
The Vikings by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #
Elysium by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #
Autumn Walk by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #
Planning by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Silent Turmoil by Myuu | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Shipwreck Cove by Purrple Cat | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
The Way Out (Longing) by Hayden Folker | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
The most intense episode of my campaign thus far, featuring a fight that has been 7 episodes in the making. Characters facing their demons, sprinkling hints for the future and high chances of a total party wipe, this is not an episode to miss!
Checkpoint by Hayden Folker | @hayden-folker Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
The Vikings by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Uncertainty by Arthur Vyncke | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Adventure by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Don’t Go Inside by WombatNoisesAudio | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Dan Henig – Danger Snow.
Ethereal by Punch Deck | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Welcome to the world of Game Junkiez – my regular dungeons and dragons group that I’ve been playing with for the majority of 2020. They’re the highlight of my year and I look forward to it each week. We’ve been taking it in turns to run campaigns, so everyone gets a turn in the DM’s seat and it is finally my turn! So, grab a drink, stick your headphones on and strap in for a wild ride through The Lonely Vale in my campaign – Into The Waste.
Tragedy by JayJen | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Headless Horseman by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The Vikings by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Adventure by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Checkpoint by Hayden Folker | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Whenever people think of gaming, it’s mostly about the next
generation of consoles and how many individual hairs you can make out on a
character’s arm. However, tabletop gaming is one genre that is often
overlooked. When you think tabletop games, a lot of people’s minds go to those
classic board games such as Monopoly and Scrabble, or Cluedo. A large amount of
my childhood was spent playing those games – to the point where anytime my
sister suggests we play Monopoly, I resist the urge to make a run for it.
Despite a keen interest for most of my life in the wider world of tabletop
gaming, I never really dove into it until 2016.
Every so often, my secondary school friends and I would go
to the board game café in Oxford (Thirsty Meeples if any of you ever want to
give it a go) and try out all sorts of games. From exploring haunted mansions
to accusing one another of being a spy, some of our favourite memories have
come from those sessions and I still love to go back from time to time.
Probably the most well-known tabletop game (at least to people my age) is Dungeons and Dragons. Whether you’ve seen it being played in tv shows or been dragged into it by your partner, most people have at least heard of it, even if they have no idea what it entails. I found D&D in year 5 when I was in my primary school’s tiny library which was mostly made up of worn books from charity shops. One of the shelves had a series of books called the Endless Quest. Despite being released in the 1980s/1990’s, they’d ended up in my school and I adored them.
Fun Fact: I used to write my own choose your own adventures.
In the style of Choose Your Own Adventure stories (like the
Sonic one I used to read almost every day as a kid), but based in the D&D worlds, these books
gave you a fleshed out character with a backstory, that you followed through to
one of the various endings. I can say with clear certainty that these books
sparked my interest in fantasy writing, which is a genre that I read frequently
and occasionally write in. Once I hit secondary school, I watched people play
D&D online and read everything I could get my hands on but never got to
play until I hit university.
I’ve been actively playing D&D for nearly two years now
and I can honestly say that some of my best memories have come from those
sessions. Having a portion of time set aside each week to just be someone else
and to face the wacky shenanigans that the DM has created, is a great comfort.
I know that no matter what garbage the world throws at me, I still have
something to escape to and I have friends who will be there for me, even if I’m
punching their character at the time. I do love playing as a character and escaping
into it, but the role of DM always appealed to me, right from the start.
From writing to art to weird ideas that pop into my head late at night, I’ve always been a creative person. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve written in different worlds, how many odd characters I’ve sketched concept art of and full storylines I’ve fleshed out but never properly written. When I realised that my work could bring joy to others, it inspired me to do more and to improve, something that I try to apply to everything that I do. So, when I decided that I wanted to try my hand at running a session, I was both excited and terrified. Especially since I’d somehow managed to agree to a session with seven players (SEVEN IS TOO MANY I CAN SAY THAT WITH CONFIDENCE)
Simultaneously the best five hours and most stressful five hours of my life. BRILLIANT.
After several weeks of preparation, panicking and sitting
down with each of my players to help them through the process of creating a
character, it was time to run the session. I had created a simple world, one
focused on two warring cities, leaving plenty of room for change and expansion
if my players liked what I had made. More than anything, I wanted my players to
enjoy themselves. Our session was in the middle of exam season and we all had a
lot going on in our personal lives, so an afternoon of just laughter and
ridiculous antics was something that we all needed. Looking back on it, it was
probably the second-best weekend of the year (with first going to Rezzed) and
probably the most I’ve laughed in a long time.
The main message to take from D&D is that it is entirely
what you make of it. If you want to go all in and have a detailed backstory for
every NPC, region and rock that your players come across, go for it. If you’re
just making it up as you go along and only really have names for the core
elements of your story, that’s great too! No player or DM will be the same, meaning
that basically anything is possible. For example, my players in their attempt
to escape a jail cell, decided to distract the guard by singing One Direction,
then failed to steal his keys so the sorcerer of the group chose to blast half
the guys face off with their Chromatic Orb spell (or as they referred to it,
DEADLY BALL OF DEATH). It also produced probably the most relatable quote for
all DM’s:
“You can build the most intricate world you want, but someone will throw a sandwich at it” – CaitlinRC, 2019. Just replace the sandwich with any of the weird things your players get up to and it’s far too relatable.
I give myself two months before I have more dice than clothes.
As overwhelming as D&D can appear to new players, there’s
not actually a lot to it. Sure, the character sheet looks intimidating but at
its core, D&D is about roleplaying and the luck of the dice. You can have a
ridiculously sneaky thief who sets off every alarm in the building, just by
them failing a roll. It’s an experience that’s hard to put into words because
it’s such a personal experience. I’ve only run one session and I can say that
hands down it was the most fun I’ve had playing the game yet. Even if my
players did make me want to pull my hair out sometimes (looking at the player
who decided to run away from literally every plot point), I can’t wait to run a
game for them again.
There’s an incredibly satisfying thing about D&D.
Whether it’s successfully pulling off a ridiculous manoeuvre that really
shouldn’t work out but does (like using a bomb to allow you to surf your shield
over a wall) or watching as your players unravel the prophecy you gave them,
you feel a sense of joy and achievement. Even though it’s all fictional and
often luck based, sometimes having those little wins can have a big impact on
your mood. I know from experience that I’ve walked away from games with a
massive grin on my face and memories that can still make me laugh to this day.
Having something like that in your life can be a major boost to your mental
Obviously, there is so much more to tabletop games than just
D&D, but I haven’t yet had the chance to explore those. I’ve had a brief
run in Call Of Cthulhu and had a phenomenal time at Rezzed playing various
board games (seriously the board game room at Rezzed is great, people should spend
way more time in it) but overall, I have only scratched the surface of this incredible
genre of gaming. If you have any suggestions of tabletop games I should try, or
just regular games, do let me know, I’d love to try any and all of them!
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